Share data, unlock value, boost impact – that’s what data spaces are all about. Welcome to DSS 2025
Welcome addresses
Welcome keynotes
Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, Republic of Poland
The Polish Digital Strategy
European Commission
Data Economy – The European Way Forward
Keynote session
Business impact of data spaces: What economical value data spaces unfold
Europe in the Global Data Economy
EDIC: Perfect infrastructure to boost the European Mobility Data Space
Coffee break
Keynote session
Data spaces’ relevance as enablers for AI
The potential and need for Data Spaces boosting AI
OpenEuroLLM: Building Europe’s AI future on open source
Using Generative AI agents in the real world
Panel discussion
That’s why the economy needs data spaces to evolve
Lunch & networking
Track 1
Domain session [energy & green deal]
Accelerating energy transition and realizing green deal – with data spaces as accelerators
Keynote | Energy and Green Deal

Keynote | Energy Data Spaces
Cross-data space interoperability in the energy sector – achievements of the energy cluster
Deployment of the Common European Energy Data Space (INSIEME)
Data Space for Renewable Energy Sources
Keynote | Making the Green Deal a reality in Europe with data spaces
Panel discussion | Making the Green Deal a reality in Europe with data spaces
Presentation | Integrating geospatial data standards in the data spaces
Track 2
Domain session [smart industry]
How data spaces fuel smart industrial solutions
Round of pitches:
UNDERPIN: Revolutionizing collaboration for European manufacturer
TANGO in Smart Manufacturing: Securing enterprise data through resilient architecture
Circular TwAIn: AI for integrated sustainable and circular manufacturing
Factory-X: Open & collaborative digital ecosystem for factory outfitters and operators
Panel discussion | Data spaces as a prerequisite for industrial AI
Machinery-X: The data space for industrial machinery
Data Space in practice for agriculture 4.0

How different standards can be used in harmony
Industry 4.0 in Poland: from accademia to industry
Track 3
Data space tech [facilitated by the DSSC]

Designing and delivering the European single market for data
The portfolio of DSSC guidance and services that the European Commission made available for the development of the common sectoral data spaces in the European Union [part 1]
The Network of Stakeholders
The Starter Kit
The Design Principles
The Co-Creation Method
Our Support
Breakout track
Interactive session
Business models in the context of data spaces – lessons learned from use cases
Keynote | Business models in data spaces
Presentaitons | Use cases
Concluding session | Policy opportunities and challenges in promoting sustainable business models in the context of data spaces
Track 1
Domain session [mobility & tourism]
Realizing multimodal mobility and sustainable tourism – with data spaces as enablers
Overall strategy for common European data spaces and how to promote convergence and interoperability across data spaces

Integrating data ecosystems
Creating value for participants in mobility and tourism data spaces
Track 2
Data space tech
Global importance of standardization and interoperability
The importance and limits of building international data spaces by design: a practical view on standardization and interoperability
The role of CEN and CENELEC in developing harmonised European Standards
Standardization initiatives in Europe and ISO
Standardization initiatives in ETSI
Panel discussion | Practical value of standards for users
Track 3
Data space tech [facilitated by the DSSC]

Designing and delivering the European single market for data
The Glossary
The Blueprint
The Toolbox
Data spaces’ synergies
Dissemination and communications
Breakout track
Domain session [agriculture]
Towards development of the agriculture data spaces
The Common European Agricultural Data Space and its potential for innovation
Implementation of the agriculture Dataspace in Europe
Digital framework supporting monetisation of the data for agriculture data space

Working with the SME ecosystem in the context of the AgriFoodTEF: offering the datasets and services
German Farm and Food Hub: Challenges towards development of the data space in Germany
AgrospAI – Agrifood data space for sovereign data sharing and AI services
Panel Discussion | From regulation to innovation in agriculture data sharing
Track 1 + 2
Keynote session
Economic opportunities through the shaping of data governance at bilateral and multilateral level
Achieving trust in the global data economy

Keynote | Is there room for bilateral data governance in a multilateral reality? Challenges and opportunities of shaping data governance in bi-, pluri- and multilateral fora.

Panel discussion

Day 1 closing message
Track 3
Interactive session
Design your own data space
Design your own data space – Accelerated demonstration, using a sample use case, of its “co-creation method” for the identification and analysis of data space stakeholders and their dynamics.
More presentations will appear here soon.
Breakout track
Evening event | Dinner in the Warsaw Hall of the Hilton Hotel [main conference rooms | dinner tickets required]
Comprehensive first day wrap up
Day 1 recap: 5 highlights on how to share data, unlock value and boost impact
Keynote session
Data sharing poses challenges, data spaces solve them
China’s hundred data spaces

Dataspaces in Flanders – learning by doing
Understanding each other is key: Semantic Interoperability in data spaces
Concept session
Data spaces to enable sovereign data sharing
A primer on data spaces: A 40,000 ft intro to data spaces for the newbies
How different practices and technologies complement each other in data spaces
Track 3
Domain session [automotive | logistics | supply chains]
Data spaces making logistics more efficient, supply chains more resilient
Intro & moderation
Onboarding of an automotive supplier to Catena-X
Increasing productivity in automotive supply chains
How Cofinity-X Leads the Way of Industry Data Exchange
Supply Chain Radar: Efficient and proactive countermeasures to impending crises
BDI & Digital Freight Documents: Why and how to get Involved
End-to-end visibility of an inbound sportswear shipment – Breaking down platform silos with Data spaces
Expert talk | The Tyre Industry Journey: A data space from three key perspectives
Discussion | Q&A with data space users
Track 1
Focus session [AI]
Data Spaces unlocking AI Innovation
The European Data and AI Value chain. A perspective from Data Spaces
AI driven by the Polish Economy
AI factories and the data challenge | Pitches and short panel discussion
Round table with SMEs: AI innovation in Data Ecosystems
A perspective on the use of personal data stores in data spaces to support Generative AI
Leveraging data spaces for the use of AI – Illustrated by practice-oriented software demonstrators
Track 2
Domain session [healthcare]
The Future of Healthcare: Unlocking Value Creation Through Data Sharing
Opening & moderation
EUCAIM – Building a Data-Driven Future for Cancer Care
GDI – Providing a cross-border federated network of national human genomic collections
VELES – first Regional Smart Health Data Space; presenter & panelist
The IDERHA Dataspace; presenter & panelist
Panel discussion
Track 3
Domain session [language | media | public procurement]
Societal impact of data spaces – Sharing language data and media resources trustworthy and effectively
Introduction & scene setting
Data space revolution: Unleashing media’s potential, navigating challenges, and shaping the future
Facing the challenges of data spaces: the LEIA case
Panel discussion | How to generate value and impact in cultural heritage, media & language data spaces
Public procurement data space
Breakout track 1
Interactive workshop
From idea to business: Use case creation and data space onboarding
Hands-on session to generate value creation ideas for data space participants and infrastructure operators
Navigate your Data Space intuitively with the Data Space Browser
Skills training in the context of data space onboarding
Data Space Enablement by SAP
Introduction of IDSA’s Data Space User offerings
Breakout track 2
Interactive workshop
Does Europe need to reconsider the international design of its data laws?
Panel discussion
Lunch & networking
Track 1
Focus session [Telco]
Key role of telecommunication companies and ICT providers: Enabling data spaces and providing infrastructures
Key role of telcos as data space infrastuctue enablers
Data Space Network Layer by Deutsche Telekom and NTT
Proximus’ view at data spaces
NTT Data – cross-border data sharing
KPN Data Space Services
The Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications (PIIT)
Track 2
Domain session [Smart cities & communities]
Societal impact of data spaces: addressing local challenges, deliverering better services to citizens
The EU data space for smart communities: federation approach and overview of pilots
Showcase pilot: Urban Mind
Assessment of the value of the European Data Space for Smart Communities: process and data
The data space in the surrounding ecosystem
Panel discussion | How does the ecosystem nurture itself?
Track 3
Data space tech [facilitated by the DSSC]

Capabilities you need to make a data space a success
Introduction to the DSSC Toolbox and Validation scheme
Pitches | Data space tools in action
Panel discussion | Insights from Toolbox users
Closing plenary session
Share data. Unlock Value. Boost Impact: The way forward
Panel discussion | Accelerating data economy transformation with data spaces: business, technical, innovation and international collaboration
Keynote | Spatial data: Embracing data spaces for enhanced data sharing and SDG progress
Keynote pitch | AI-powered data spaces in the Metaverse: For a greater societal impact
Keynote | Green x Digital Japan – solving ecological issues at large scale through data spaces
Call to action | ICT providers, enable data spaces! Industries, join or build data spaces!