Program Archive – 2024
Memories of the data space symposium 2024

Market-X Conference
Data Spaces Discovery Day
Data Week
FIWARE Data Spaces Workshop
FIWARE Foundation
Gaia-X Framework
Room: Spectrum
Decentralization using IPFS
Room: Argentum

Gaia-X Digital Clearing House: Operationalize trust, compliance and labels
Room: Spectrum
Panel around Prometheus Data Connector
Room: Argentum
Gaia-X: onboarding, first credentials issuance
Room: Argentum

Gaia-X Institute – Investigation of the economics of data-sharing
Room: Spectrum
Pitch session | Data spaces: Pioneering solutions for implementation, examples for successful operation – presented by IDSA members
Room: Ferrum
Generative AI – BDVA Member’s Experience
Room: Chromium
Engaging SMEs and Start-ups in Data Spaces
Room: Vanadium
AI Act Implemantation and AI ethics (etami)
Room: Titanium
Opening and welcome message
Room: Platinum 2
Keynote: Data spaces and digital policy in Germany
Room: Platinum 2

FIWARE vision in Data Spaces
Room: Platinum 2
The data spaces value for AI: facilitate the sovereignty of your models
Room: Platinum 2
FIWARE Data Space Connector
Room: Platinum 2
Interconnecting Valencia platform to a data space Auditing carbon capture supply chainsset for interoperability: Smart Data Models and exchange API in data spaces
Room: Platinum 2
Policy reasoning on Gaia-X credentials
Room: Argentum

Coffee & networking
Voices of success: Use cases and building blocks
Room: Spectrum
X-Road 8 “Spaceship”: Transforming existing data ecosystems into Gaia-X-compatible data
Collaborative Fault Diagnosis and Sovereignty in the AW 4.0 Data Space
SmartMA-X as a pioneer for Factory-X
Business value of data spaces
How telcos realize data spaces to deliver benefits to end users
Room: Ferrum
Data Monetisation
Room: Chromium
DSBA Hubs Pilot
Room: Vanadium
Elevating Data Quality: A Paradigm Shift for Data Spaces and AI Needs
Room: Titanium

Smart Data Models and exchange API in data spaces
Room: Platinum 2
Trust Framework in data spaces
Room: Platinum 2

Marketplaces in Data Spaces
Room: Platinum 2
Roadmap: towards the future
Room: Platinum 2
Powered by Gaia-X Lighthouse Projects
Room: Spectrum
Technical realization of data spaces
Advocating for data spaces | IDSA Ambassador Ceremony
Room: Ferrum
Let’s tech talk about connectors | How the new generation of data space connectors supports interoperability
Room: Ferrum
Beyond data sharing: Realizing Value through Applications in Data Spaces
Room: Chromium
AI Testing and Data Spaces
Room: Vanadium
Mobility Data Spaces and Digital Twins – Towards Smarter Decision-Making in Cities
Room: Titanium
European Data Space for Smart Communities
Room: Platinum 2
Mobility Data Space: How to scale up utilization of urban mobility data
Room: Platinum 2
Water Data Space
Room: Platinum 2
Data spaces in action: from cities to agriculture
Room: Platinum 2
Data Space Connector as a Service: an enabler for SMEs to enter the data economy
Room: Platinum 2
Interactive Expo | Tour guided by Gaia-X & IDSA
Exhibition area
Let’s tech talk about connectors [continuation]
International Manufacturing-X Council: Make Data Work!
Room: Chromium
HPC meets the demands of AI and Data
Room: Vanadium
Business applications of data for sustainability | BDVA & FIWARE
Room: Titanium
Coffee & networking
Show the synergies: Conclusion of the day, bring the topics together, hand them over to the second day
Room: Spectrum
Centralstation Darmstadt | facilitated by the Gaia-X
Registration & good morning coffee
Welcome address
Room: Spectrum
Digital City Darmstadt – place for innovation
Welcome address
Room: Spectrum
Boosting digital transformation with data spaces
Room: Spectrum
Data Act: Opportunities created by the latest milestone of the EU data strategy
Room: Spectrum
The renewed political support to data sharing and data spaces
Room: Spectrum
Data spaces testbed seen by the Japanese Data Society Alliance
Moderated dialogues with industry representatives
Room: Spectrum
We want Data Spaces! The business user perspective
Room: Spectrum
Complementing data spaces with Google Cloud
Room: Spectrum
Enabling data spaces through cloud computing
Horizontal session 1
Data spaces tech potential to “unite“
Room: Titanium 3
Introduction | Setting the scene
Simpl vision & launch of the active engagement strategy
Minimal Interoperable Mechanisms at data spaces
Data Space Interoperability Framework

InGeo-X: Building a horizontal dataspace for cross-sectoral access to geodata
EONA-X and Interoperability
Eclipse Dataspace Working Group: Groundwork for sovereign data sharing in data spaces
Open source in data spaces
DSBA: Achieving data space tech convergence
Horizontal session 2
“Innovate”: lowering barriers and increasing value
Room: Ferrum
Moderation | Introduction
Data spaces & smart data models
Teach skills to build data spaces
View from end users: Hubs / BDVA i-Spaces as a key instrument to facilitate technical adoption from small actors (SMEs, start-ups)
Metaverse / virtual worlds
LLMs and data spaces
Data spaces for Generative AI (and AI for data spaces): Intelligent Data Spaces
Disruptive applications in data spaces: digital twins
Technical enablers for providing (business) value
Horizontal session 3
How companies can “adopt” data spaces
Room: Spectrum
Welcome & setting-up the scene
Presentations & panel discussion
Consultancies & analysts supporting the business strategies and operations of data spaces
How to join a cross-domain ecosystem to position Tourism as a key data space in Europe
Hubs as the way to test, raise awareness, foster adoption and ease the access to data spaces
How businesses will enter and adopt data spaces like Manufacturing-X
Mobility Data Spaces as success story
Adoption of data spaces at international scale
Vertical session 1
Data spaces for public sector and health
Room: Platinum 3
Intoduction to the topic
Value creation in public sector data ecosystems
Local Digital Twin Toolbox: Modelling the city for decision making
Flanders Smart Data Space
European Health Data Space
Public procurement Data Space
Industrial view on health data spaces
Coffee & networking
Vertical session 2
Data spaces for mobility, tourism and cities: How data spaces are transforming our lives
Room: Titanium 3
Welcome & introduction
Common European mobility data space
Empowering SMEs in the tourism sector to embrace data spaces
Eona-X – improving moblity for the Olympic Games
Gaia-X 4 Future Mobility – laying foundations for digital transformation
Impact assessment in the European Data Space for Smart Communities (DS4SSCC)
Mobility of people and goods by FIT Consulting
Questions & answers | Discussion slido
Vertical session 3
Data spaces for the green deal, energy and agribusiness
Room: Ferrum
Welcome & introduction
Insights from GREAT, the Green Deal Data Space CSA
Moderation of the Panel discussion
Insights from Int:NET, the Energy CSA
How data spaces are making industries greener – the Green Deal Dataspace Association
Enershare: Bringing together energy and data value chains to enable the energy transition
Building the Green Deal data space
Building the Agri data space
Building the Energy data space
Insights from AgriDataSpace CSA
Vertical session 4
Data spaces for manufacturing, supply chain and logistics
Room: Spectrum
The European Manufacturing Data Space
SM4RTENANCE: Trusted Data Sharing for Manufacturing Equipment Industry
UNDERPIN: holistic asset management in critical manufacturing industry
Circular TwAIn
TANGO: Digital technology for secure and trustworthy data flows
EuProGiant: Smart and sovereign data in manufacturing
Panel discussion | Data spaces and the Digital Product Passport – a perfect fit?
Vertical session 5
Data, AI and beyond in language, cultural heritage and media, impact on training and skills
Room: Platinum 3
Introduction, setting-up the scene and moderator
View from language sector. Language Data Space and use cases
View from media. Trusted European Media Space (TEMS) and use cases
View from Cultural Heritage: Europeana
Education and training as an example of synergies: MERLOT project
Info session by the European Commission
Deployment calls | data spaces for the green deal, energy and agribusiness
Mini break & room change
Room: Spectrum
How data spaces unite & innovate, how they fuel adoption in industries
Highlights from the 8 sessions
Moderators of the 8 sessions
Joint presentation
Room: Spectrum
The next step for united cross-continent data spaces: insights from running and mature endeavors
Room: Spectrum
Interweaving data spaces internationally – the Japanese view
Room: Spectrum
The moral imperative: The societal impact of sovereign data sharing
Conclusion & hand-over
Room: Spectrum
From policymaking to action – the DSBA & DSSC
Hand-over to day 3
Social dinner
Restaurant Sitte Darmstadt | Please register and pay separately here: dinner registration [only 200 seats are available!]
Registration & good morning coffee
Welcome address
Room: Spectrum
Welcome to the European Union Data Spaces Support Centre’s Annual Conference
Welcome address
Room: Spectrum
One year in the Common European Data Spaces’ experience, and their future
Panel discussion
Room: Spectrum
Learnings from the Digital Europe Programme’s data space projects
Coffee & networking
Room: Spectrum
The Many Ways in Which the Data Spaces Support Centre Assists You
Room: Spectrum
Do you want to build a data space? The new DSSC co-creation method
Room: Spectrum
The building blocks you need: The new version of the DSSC Blueprint
Room: Spectrum
Where the rubber meets the road: Discovering data space software and services for the new DSSC Toolbox
Presentation | Simpl Open joins the Common European Data Spaces family
Room: Spectrum
Presentation | Can we build a data space in an hour? A role play to simulate the value of the blueprint
Room: Titanium 3
Panel | Crossing the chasm – paths for data spaces to work together
Room: Platinum 3

Presentation | The size and trends of the EU data market and data economy
Room: Ferrum
Presentation | Standardisation in data spaces – The European data strategy
Room: Spectrum
Presentation | Can we build a data space in an hour? A role play to simulate the value of the blueprint [Continuation]
Room: Titanium 3
Panel | Crossing the chasm – paths for data spaces to work together [Continuation]
Room: Platinum 3
Presentation | The size and trends of the EU data market and data economy [Coninuation]
Room: Ferrum
Presentation | Standardisation in data spaces – The Data Interoperability Report
Room: Spectrum
Presentation | Can we build a data space in an hour? A role play to simulate the value of the blueprint [Continuation]
Room: Titanium 3
Panel | Crossing the chasm – paths for data spaces to work together [Continuation]
Room: Platinum 3
Presentation & panel | Data Space Sustainability: Business Stories, Strategy & long-term Impact
Room: Ferrum
Presentation | Standardisation in data spaces – Key recommendations, how to proceed?
Room: Spectrum
Presentation | Can we build a data space in an hour? A role play to simulate the value of the blueprint [Continuation]
Room: Titanium 3
Panel | Crossing the chasm – paths for data spaces to work together [Continuation]
Room: Platinum 3

Presentation & panel | Data Space Sustainability: Business Stories, Strategy & long-term Impact [Continuation]
Room: Ferrum
Presentation | Assessing the maturity of a data space
Room: Spectrum
Presentation | Can we build a data space in an hour? A role play to simulate the value of the blueprint [Continuation]
Room: Titanium 3
Presentation + Q&A | Language Data Space and GenAI: LLMs for European Industry and the Public Sector
Room: Platinum 3
Presentation & panel | Data Space Sustainability: Business Stories, Strategy & long-term Impact [Continuation]
Room: Ferrum
Presentation | Assessing the maturity of a data space [Continuation]
Room: Spectrum
Panel discussion | The data spaces join Simpl
Room: Titanium 3
Presentation + Q&A | Language Data Space and GenAI: LLMs for European Industry and the Public Sector
Room: Platinum 3
Presentation & panel | Data Space Sustainability: Business Stories, Strategy & long-term Impact [Continuation]
Room: Ferrum
Presentation | What Open Data can do for the Common European Data Spaces
Room: Spectrum
Panel discussion | The data spaces join Simpl [Continuation]
Room: Titanium 3
Presentation + Q&A | Language Data Space and GenAI: LLMs for European Industry and the Public Sector [Continuation]
Room: Platinum 3
Presentation & panel | Data Space Sustainability: Business Stories, Strategy & long-term Impact [Continuation]
Room: Ferrum
Room change
Panel discussion
Room: Spectrum
Farewell address
Room: Spectrum